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Integrating PuzzleMe


  • Understand the various options available for integrating PuzzleMe puzzles into your websites and apps
  • Learn about the platforms where you can publish your puzzles

This section covers the various approaches you can use to integate PuzzleMe into your websites and apps. There are 3 major ways to integrate with your:

  • Quick integration - This is the simplest, quickest option to integrate the puzzles into your website. Use this if you do not have any special requirements.
  • Custom integration - This article takes a deep dive through our integration JavaScript code, exploring different features and options. Use this if you have custom engineering requirements.
  • WordPress - This article covers the usage of our WordPress plugin. You can use this for a self hosted WordPress site.

The following articles cover related points essential to the embedding process:

  • Custom parameters - This article explores URL parameters you can use to easily customize your implementation.
  • iFrame size - This article covers best practices for sizing the puzzle iframe.

Choosing your implementation

If you are using iframe embed, several important features of PuzzleMe would require custom implementation done by your engineering team. The JS embed implements most of these features out of the box, reducing engineering effort at your end and helping you launch faster.

Featureiframe embedJS embedWork required for custom integration
Share direct links to puzzles and puzzle scoresCheck full URL of puzzle page on each load, identify id/ set parameters and pass them to puzzle iframe
One click, link based social playCheck full URL of puzzle page on each load, identify id, set and playId parameters and pass them to puzzle iframe
Save puzzle progress robustlyPlace a first party cookie on user's browser, anonymize it and pass it to the puzzle iframe

For most use cases, we could recommend using a JS embed code based implementation.

Other platforms

Besides mainstream content management systems, we also integrate with documentation tools and learning management systems:

  • Google Classroom - This article explores our advanced features available only for Google Classroom.
  • PowerPoint - This article explores embedding playable puzzles and pickers in your PowerPoint presentations.