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Managing a series


Learn how to manage a series: create, update, delete

Become a partner

Become a partner to create multiple series on the PuzzleMe™ dashboard!

Customizations through the PuzzleMe™ dashboard are available to all users. However, partners get access to certain advanced customizations that require engineer support from the PuzzleMe team.

Creating a series

Premium Feature

If you're on our free plan, the "New Series" button will not be visible on your PuzzleMe dashboard. This is because you're restricted to a single series.

If you're on a partner plan, you can create multiple series!

Creating a series
  1. Go to the PuzzleMe dashboard.
  2. In the navigation bar at the top, click "New Series".
  3. A modal would open, requesting you for certain details:

a. Series Code: A short identifier code to be used internally only.
b. Label: The series will show up in the PuzzleMe dashboard under this label.
This is not displayed to the puzzle player and is simply for the convenience of the puzzle creator.
4. Click the "Create" button at the bottom right of the modal.
Technical Details
The Series Code identifier slug exists primarily for technical purposes and is employed in some optional enhancements that can be implemented by your engineering team. It is also visible in the iFrame embedding URL, so snooping users may be able to read it. Once set, this identifier cannot be changed.

Renaming a series

Only the series label can be renamed after a series has been created. You cannot change the series code of a series after it has been created.

Updating a series label
  1. Go to the PuzzleMe dashboard.
  2. Using the Series Panel, select the series for which you'd like to change the label.
  3. Now we need to get the series code with which this series was created initially.
    We can get this from the current URL. Your URL would be of the following form:[your-series-code].
    Copy the your-series-code section from this link.
  4. In the navigation bar at the top, click "New Series"
  5. For the Series Code field, enter the code that we obtained in step 3.
  6. For the Series Label field, enter the new label text that you would like to use for this series.
  7. Click the "Create" button at the bottom right of the modal.

Changing your series name internally does not change the series code for your series. Thus, you don't need to update the embed codes on your website if you rename a series.

Deleting a series

You can also delete a series from your PuzzleMe account.

  • Only empty puzzle series with no puzzles within them can be deleted. If you have existing puzzles (whether published or unpublished) within a series, you will not be able to delete the series.
  • Existing picker and puzzle links for this series will become invalid. If you have embedded puzzles or date pickers from these series anywhere, we strongly recommend updating those pages, else your readers would see an error message when they try to visit those pages.
  • You cannot delete the default series in your account.
  • Any design changes you made via the themer, or settings changes made via the series settings editor will be lost and cannot be recovered.
  • Any analytics data related to the series, such as loads, will not be removed. If you create a new series with the same series code, the previously recorded analytics data will be restored to the new series.
  • Deleting a series does not reset the game view count. Any loads that already occurred before the series was deleted will still count against your account's monthly game view limits.

Steps to delete a series:

Deleting a series
  1. Switch to the series you want to delete, and ensure that any existing puzzles in the series have been deleted.
  2. Click on the "Delete" button at the top right corner of your dashboard. The "Delete Series" box will popup.
  3. Type the full series code of the series (including the prefix) into the text box to confirm deletion. Until you type in the full series code, the Delete button will be inactive.
  4. After typing the series code, click "Delete".
  5. The series will now be deleted, and you will be redirected to the default series in your account.