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Series settings


Understand the common series settings, and how to control them from the series settings editor

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Series settings editor page

PuzzleMe allows you to set and update several commonly used settings for all the puzzles in the given series. Here is how you can modify the settings:

  1. Click on the "Series Settings" menu at the top of your series. This will take you to the series settings page for that given series.
  2. If you had previously set a value for a setting, it will show up prefilled in the settings fields. If you want to reset all the settings to their default value, click on the "Reset Settings" button

    Use the "Reset Settings" button very carefully. If you had previously set some custom settings, and accidentally reset them, we will not be able to restore your custom settings. This only affects custom settings set by you, via the series settings editor. Any other settings set by us will not be affected.

  3. Update the values in the fields, and then click on the Save Settings button.

We offer many other settings for controlling the puzzle behavior. Please contact us if you have specific requirements not covered by the settings on this page.

Content and Messaging settings


The start message, completion message and completion sound URLs can also be set via the creator form for each individual puzzle. In case there are two different values in the puzzle creator form and the series settings editor, the values set in the puzzle creator form will override the message set in the series settings page.

Start Message

This is used to set a default start message for all your puzzles. By default, it is set to blank. There are two ways to edit this:

  1. You can edit the message using our WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) style HTML editor.
  2. You can edit the HTML contents of the start message directly. You can switch between HTML mode and WYSIWYG editor, using the "HTML mode" toggle.

Completion Message

This is used to set a default end message for all your puzzles. By default, it is set to blank.

Completion Sound URL

This is used to set the default sound to play when the puzzle is finished. By default, it is set to None. You can choose from a list of predefined sounds, or specify your own audio link.

Player interface settings

These settings are used to control if certain options (full screen, picker, dark mode) should be available to your solvers in the puzzle player interface.

Show completion streak

This feature is used to show the completion streak for your puzzles. By default, it is set to False. You can enable it by toggling the switch.

Streaks shown under the completion message

Completion streaks are available only if the date picker was embedded on your puzzles page. For single puzzle embeds, completion streaks are not available.

Show dark mode setting

For game types that support dark mode, this setting is used to control whether the option to turn on dark mode should be shown to the solvers or not. By default, this setting is enabled. You can disable it by toggling the switch.

Show Full Screen option

This feature is used to show the option of switching to full screen mode for your puzzles. By default, the option for showing full screen mode is disabled. You can enable it by toggling the switch.

Full screen option in the hamburger menu

When full screen mode option is enabled for your puzzles, the solvers can enter full screen mode. If your puzzle pages are monetized using display ads, this could affect the number of ad impressions received, and potentially affect your ad revenue.

Access control settings

These settings are used to control how and where solvers can access the puzzle.

Very important

If you do not set the Allowed Domains and Games Home Page settings, any other rogue websites, content syndication portals and mobile apps will be able to embed your puzzles or link to/open them directly. All such puzzles' loads will count against your game views limit and are billable. We strongly recommend enabling the Allowed Domains and Games Home Page settings before you launch.

Allowed Domains

This setting is used to control which domains your puzzles are allowed to be embedded on. By default, this setting is set to blank, and any website can embed your puzzles.

To explicitly whitelist your own domains:

  1. Ensure that the top level domain and any subdomain your puzzles will be embedded on is added to the setting. For example, if your top domain is, and your website is served over , both and need to be added to the whitelist.
  2. Ensure that the domains are space separated.
  3. If you want to whitelist all subdomains of your main domain, you can use the wildcard * to whitelist them. For example, to whitelist all subdomains of, use the * wildcard.
  4. Ensure that * is always added to the whitelist. This is required for you to be able to preview the puzzles in your account.

Example : Say you are running a website The website content is served from, and the development environment for your website is hosted on Your PuzzleMe account is hosted on Then, you should set the allowed domains field to

Another option is to whitelist all the subdomains on your main domain. *

Games Home page

This setting is used to control if solvers are allowed to load the puzzles/pickers in their browses directly, outside the iframe. By default, this setting is disabled, and solvers can load the puzzles directly too.

This setting takes a URL as an input. This URL should be set to the URL of your website's puzzles page.

Social sharing settings

These settings are used to control the share messages.

X Handle

This setting is used to control the X/Twitter handle which will be mentioned in the sharing message. By default, it is set to @AmuseLabs . The twitter handle set in this setting must always be preceded by the '@' symbol. For example, '@TomCruise' , instead of 'TomCruise'