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  • Learn about cross-reference crosswords
  • Explore how you can use the PuzzleMe platform's clue-linking feature to create cross-reference crosswords
Crossword: linked clues.
The 8 Down entry is linked to 5 Across, so highlighting 8 Down soft-highlights 5 Across.

Clue linking can be used to construct cross-reference crosswords.

Cross-reference crosswords are a fascinating variation of traditional puzzles where clues have an interconnected relationship. Unlike standard crosswords, in these puzzles, certain clues refer to other entries within the grid. Players must navigate these references, connecting answers across the puzzle by using the hints provided in different clues.

Clue links are of two types:

  1. One way: One entry clue is linked to another, but not vice-versa. For instance, if 8 Down is one-way linked to 5 Across, then clicking the 8 Down clue would highlight 5 Across, but clicking 5 Across would not highlight 8 Down.
  2. Symmetric: One entry-clue is linked to another, and vice-versa. For instance, if 8 Down is symmetrically linked to 5 Across, then clicking the 8 Down clue would highlight 5 Across, and clicking 5 Across would highlight 8 Down as well.
Crossword: 8 Down is linked to 5 Across. The link is one-way.
Crossword: 8 Down is linked to 5 Across. The link is symmetric.


There are two ways to link clues:

  1. Autolink: In this method, the existing clue text is parsed to automatically link certain clues together. This requires that your clue text contain some explicit mention of other word entries that you wish to link it to.
  2. Manual: In this method, you have to manually select the clues that are to be linked together in a group. These groups must be saved one at a time.

One-way links can only be created using the autolink method. Manual linking only allows for symmetric linking of clues.


To autolink the clues of your crossword, your clue text must contain a recognizable reference to other word entries that you wish to link it to.

This reference must be a part of your clue text: [Number][Orientation], where Number refers to the word entry's number assigned in the grid, and Orientation is either 'Across' or 'Horizontal' (capitalization required).

Clue autolinking
The 6 Across word entry's clue text has an explicit reference to the 5 Across entry.
6 Across's explicit reference to 5 Across. This allows you to autolink them.

Steps to use clue autolinking feature

  1. First, edit your clues to include explicit references for the clues that you wish to link together.
  2. In the navigation bar, go to the Clues dropdown.
  3. In the Clues dropdown menu, select "Autolink clues". If you wish to use a one-way link, then select "Autolink clues (one way)"; if you wish to use a symmetrical clue link, then select "Autolink clues (symmetrical)".
  4. A popup box will open, with the list of all the clue groups that will be created based on autolink detection.
  5. If you're not satisfied with the autolinked clues, you must unlink all the clues and try again. If any clue links were missed, please re-check the clue text references to make sure they conform to the expected format.
Clue autolink not working?
The clue autolink feature is sensitive to the clue text reference.
  1. The orientation specified must be capitalized and spelled correctly: 'Across' or 'Down'.
  2. The number be specified using digits - 'nine' will not work, you must type it as '9'.
  3. The referenced entry must exist - specifying a reference to 13 Across if there are only 10 words in your crossword grid will not work.

Manual linking

You can also link clues into groups manually, without using the explicit references within the clue text and autolink feature. Note that you can only create symmetrical clues with this - manual linking does not support one-way clue links yet.

Manually linking clues.
Linking 3 Across (POINT) with 2 Down (LINE)..

Steps to use clue autolinking feature

  1. In the navigation bar, go to the Clues dropdown.
  2. In the Clues dropdown menu, select "Link clues manually (symmetrical)".
  3. Select the clues that you would like to link together. You must select 2 or more clues to form a clue group.
  4. When you're satisfied, click on the "Save Group" button in the navigation bar.

Unlinking clues

Whether you create clues by using the autolink method or by manually creating clue groups, you cannot revisit these clue links and modify them in place. For any edits within clue links, you must unlink all clues and recreate your clue links from scratch.

Unlinking all clues

Steps to unlink all clues

  1. In the navigation bar, go to the Clues dropdown.
  2. In the Clues dropdown menu, select "Unlink all clues".
  3. A popup box will open with confirmation that all clues have been unlinked. Click the "Close" button at the bottom right.