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File name

Your file must be named in the following way: [filename].crossword.csv
If the filename does not end in .crossword.csv, the dashboard will not be able to parse it.

Data format

The platform expects the uploaded file to have the following structure:

SamosaPopular Indian snack
MumbaiLargest city in India

Here, Entry refers to the word to be placed in the crossword, Clue is the clue associated with that word, and Media is any media URL (image, audio, video) related to the clue/word.

  1. The order of columns is arbitrary. It's OK to have Clue first, then Entry
  2. Entry: This is a mandatory column. The parser will not accept your file if this column is missing. The parser will reject your file if this column is mis-capitalized, such as entry
  3. Clue: This column is optional.
  4. Media: This column is optional.


JPZ and PUZ are file formats produced by some popular puzzle-creating software, such as CrossFire and Crossword Compiler. You can obtain these files only by using the particular software. These can be uploaded directly to the PuzzleMe dashboard and require no data adjustments. JSON and XML are data interchange formats. You can obtain these files using appropriate software (such as Crossword Compiler). If you'd like to create these files programmatically, you can look at the samples provided on the PuzzleMe dashboard.

The platform supports XML/JPZ/PUZ files for puzzles (crossword/word search/sudoku/codeword) generated using the Crossword Compiler (or other software that outputs identical XML files). If you'd like to generate these programmatically, please study the example file provided on the PuzzleMe dashboard to learn about the structure.

For more information, you can also refer to the Crossword Compiler documentation.