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Creating a quiz


Learn about the different ways to create a quiz - using Quiz CoPilot, typing in the questions, & uploading a CSV file

There are 3 ways to create a quiz on PuzzleMe. You can:

  1. Use Quiz CoPilot to generate the quiz
  2. Type in your questions using the creator form
  3. Upload a CSV file containing the quiz questions

Quiz CoPilot

PuzzleMe Quiz CoPilot uses the power of large language models (LLMs) to automatically generate a multiple choice questions quiz about a topic. You can specify the topic and the number of quesions to generate. Once generated, you can add, remove or edit questions and publish the quiz. This method does not generate free form questions.

Creating a technology quiz using Quiz CoPilot

Sometimes LLMs can "hallucinate" questions and answers which may not be accurate. Please ensure that you verify the accuracy of the questions before publishing the quiz.

Steps to generate a quiz using Quiz CoPilot:

  1. From your dashboard, select New Game > Quiz.
  2. Specify the title and the language of the quiz.
  3. Enter the topic of the quiz in the "Question Topic" field, and the desired number of questions.
  4. Click on the "Generate Questions" button.
  5. Wait for sometime. The quiz questions will be generated and populated in the puzzle creator form fields.
  6. Click on "Create Game" at the bottom of the page.

Creator Form

If you have a bank of questions, you can type them directly into the puzzle creator form. The puzzle creator form has several fields for each question:


You can enter the textual content of the question in this field. This is a required field.


You can enter the answer to the question in this field. This is a required field.

  • For a multiple choice question
    • You need to enter the correct answer in the "Answer" field.
    • The incorrect options can be entered in the fields "Option 2", "Option 3" and "Option 4".
    • There must be at least one incorrect option, and at most 3 incorrect options per question.
    • While we don't enforce a character limit, we recommend keeping each option to 40 characters or less, so that solvers can easily read them in the player interface. For more details, please use the Hint or the Explanation field.
Multiple choice question with 3 incorrect options
  • For a free form question
    • You need to enter the correct answer(s) in the "Answer" field.
    • If there are more than one correct answers (for example synonyms, older names, abbrevations, alternative spelling), please enter them all in the "Answer" field, separated by a semi colon (;).
    • While we don't enforce a character limit, we recommend keeping the correct answer to 80 characters or less, so that solvers can easily type them in the player interface. For more details, please use the Hint or the Explanation field.
Free form question, with multiple correct answers


Example of a question's explanation

The explanation is shown to solvers once they have finished attempting the entire quiz. This field accepts both HTML and text. This is an optional field.


Example hint for a question

If at least one question in the quiz has an associated hint, a "Hint" button will be displayed in the player interface. The "Hint" button will be clickable for all the questions where the hint has been provided. Clicking on the "Hint" button will display the Hint above the question area. This is an optional field.


By default, you can set the score for each question via the scoring tab. If you would like to override the score for a specific question, you can use the Score field. This is an optional field and accepts a whole number value.

You can use the score field to provide higher weightage to more important or difficult questions, for fairer quiz scoring. The score set for a question is not shown to the solvers.


Multiple tags, separated by commas

You can assign one or more tags to each question. Each tag must be separated by a comma. This field is optional.

Tags are used for advanced quiz options such as randomization, and selecting questions with specific tags from a large bank of questions. Tags are not shown to the solvers, and are case sensitive.


Example credit for a question image

You can use this field to include credits for the media for the specific question. If you would like to provide credits for the quiz content, you can use the puzzle attribution section on the messaging tab.


Each question can have an image, GIF, audio or video associated with it. This field is optional, and accepts a link to the question media.

  • We would not recommend very wide or very tall images. Images with a square aspect ratio (1:1) or close are preferred.
  • Sometimes, YouTube videos can have the answer to the question in the title of the video itself. Please try and use videos where this is not the case.

Image hosting guidelines

  • You can host the images with any image provider that allows you to use directly link to the images.
  • Please ensure you use secure image URLs that start with HTTPS:// .
  • Ensure that the link you paste into PuzzleMe editor ends with an image extension (eg. PNG, JPN, JPEG, GIF etc). For example
  • Please ensure that wherever you host the images allows direct linking (hotlinking) to the images. Some image hosts might not allow direct linking to the images. Here is a list of free image hosting services that allow hotlinking.
  • If you copy image URL from Google image search results, you may sometimes get an image URL like this :


This kind of URL is not compatible with PuzzleMe. Please get the link to the original image that starts with https:// and ends in a suitable file extension.

  • On the web, you can often right click an image and copy its address.
Copying image URL

Steps to type in a quiz using the creator form:

  1. From your dashboard, select New Game > Quiz.
  2. Specify the title and the language of the quiz.
  3. Add the question and answer text.
  4. (Optional) Add incorrect options, alternative answers, media link, hint, expalanation or answer.
  5. Click on "Add a multiple choice question" or "Add a question with a text answer".
  6. Repeat steps 3-6 for each question you would like to enter.
  7. Click on "Create Game" at the bottom of the page.