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Terminology / Appendix


Learn the terminology used across the PuzzleMe™ documentation.


Analytics icon

This icon is present in front of each puzzle in the dashboard. Clicking on it opens up the puzzle analytics page for the given puzzle.

Analytics page

This is a generic term used for either a puzzle analytics page or a series analytics page.

About message

This field is present in the Messaging section in the puzzle creator form. It is used to specify any additional information about the authors or the publication. See puzzle attribution section for more details.

Audio messaging

This set of fields is present in the Messaging section in the creator form. They are used to control audio feedback provided to puzzle solvers. See multimedia messaging section for more details.


This field is present in the Messaging section in the creator form. It is used to denote the puzzle author's name. See multimedia messaging section for more details.


Backdrop image

This field is present in the Messaging section in the creator form. It is used to set the image shown behind the puzzle grid. See multimedia messaging section for more details.


Central letter

This field is present in the Content section of the creator form of a word flower puzzle. It is used to specify the letter present at the center of a word flower puzzle, mandatorily required in every word. See word flower section for more details.


This field is present in the Scoring section of the creator form for some supported puzzle types. It is used to control the Check options available to puzzle solvers. See the contest mode and the scoring sections for more details.

Check grid

This option is available to solvers, wherever check option is enabled. It is used to check the validity of all entries entered in the grid so far.

Check letter

This option is available to solvers, wherever check option is enabled. It is used to check the validity of the currently highlighted letter.

Check word

This option is available to solvers, wherever check option is enabled. It is used to check the validity of the currently highlighted word.

Clone icon

This icon is present in front of each puzzle in the dashboard. Clicking on it creates a copy of the given puzzle in the same series.


This field is present in the Content section of the creator form for supported puzzle types. It is used to enter the text for a given clue. See the clue management section for more details.

Code based social play

This is the default version of the multiplayer social play (co solving) feature. For a co solving session for a given puzzle, it generates a code which can be used to join the session. Link based social play is an advanced variation of social play.


Codeword, also known as coded crossword is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe.

Completion sound

This field is present in the Messaging section of the creator form. It is used to set an audio, which can be played as soon as a solver finishes a puzzle. See multimedia messaging section for more details.

This field is present in the Messaging section in the creator form. It is used to specify a copyright declaration for the puzzle. See the multimedia messaging section for more details.

Correct answer audio

This field is present in the Messaging section of the creator form. It is used to set an audio, which can be played as soon as a solver enters a correct word. See the multimedia messaging section for more details.

Creator form

This is an alternative name used for the game editor.


Crossword is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe. See the crossword section for more details.

CSV file

CSV, short for comma separated values, is a file format used for importing several puzzle types into PuzzleMe.



This page shows all the puzzles in your PuzzleMe account. See the dashboard page for more details.

Date picker

This is an embeddable page which can be used to list the latest published puzzles in your PuzzleMe series. See the series picker section for more details.

Delete icon

This icon is present in front of each puzzle in the dashboard. Clicking on it deletes the given puzzle from your account.


Edit game icon

This icon is present in front of each puzzle in the dashboard. Clicking on it opens up the game editor page for the given puzzle.

Edit grid icon

This icon is present in front of each grid based puzzle in the dashboard. Clicking on it opens up the grid editor page for the given puzzle.

Empty box

This field is present in the Grid section of the series designer for grid based game types. It is used to set the color of an empty box/cell. See series designer for more details.

Empty grid

This is the initial state for a grid based puzzle when no letters or numbers have been entered in the grid. See sudoku or crossword creation sections for more details.

End message

This field is present in the Messaging section of the creator form. It is used to enter the message in the completion modal, shown to solvers when they finish a puzzle. See the textual messaging section for more details.


This field is present in the Content section of the creator form for supported puzzle types. It is used to specify the words used in the puzzle. See the clue management section for more details.


This field is present in the Content section of the creator form for supported puzzle types. It is used to enter the explanations, which are shown to solvers once the puzzle is completed/solved. See the clue management section for more details.


Fill ins

This is an alternative name for kriss Kross puzzles.


This field is present in the series designer page. It is used to set fonts for the textual elements in the puzzle player interface. See series designer for more details.



This is another alternate name used for a puzzle.

Game editor

This page is also called the creator form. It is used to edit the content, messaging, scoring and other settings for a given puzzle. It's also referred to as the creator form.

Google font

This section is present in font selector window on the series designer page. It is used to set a Google Font for the textual elements in the puzzle player interface. See series designer for more details.


This is a set of rows and columns present in grid based games, where solvers fill in letters, numbers or pictures.

Grid editor

This page is available only for grid based games. It is used to directly edit the puzzle grid's contents. See the grid structure and grid decoration sections for more details.



This field is present in the Content section of the creator form for supported puzzle types. It is used to specify a hint for a given word/entry. See the clue management section for more details.

HTML view

By default, the start message, pause message and end-message fields support a rich HTML editor. You can disable the rich editor and edit the HTML contents of of these fields directly. See the textual messaging section for more details.



This image is present in front of each puzzle in the dashboard. By default, it takes a preset image value based on the type of the puzzle. It can be overridden using thumbnail image.



Jigsaw is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe. See the jigsaw section for more details.


Killer sudoku

Killer sudoku is an advanced variation of sudoku, supported by PuzzleMe. See the killer sudoku section for more details.

Krazy word search is an advanced variation of word search, supported by PuzzleMe. It can be enabled via the Settings section of the creator form for word searches.

Kriss Kross

Kriss Kross is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe. See the kriss kross section for more details.



This field is present in the Content section in the creator form. It is used to set the language of the puzzle player interface. See interface language section for more details.

Lines color

This field is present in the Grid section of the series designer for grid based game types. It is used to set the color of lines between the empty boxes in the grid. See series designer for more details.

This is an advanced, fully featured version of the multiplayer social play (co solving) feature. For a co solving session for a given puzzle, it generates a link which can be used to join the session. Link based social play is enabled directly when using JS embed code or WordPress plugin. Code based social play is a basic, less featured variation of social play.



This field is present in the Print section of the series designer for game types that support printing. It is used to set the masthead of the publication, which appears at the top of a printed puzzle or a saved PDF. See series designer for more details.

More icon

This icon is present in front of each puzzle in the dashboard. Clicking on it gives access to the Clone and the Delete icons.

Media clues

This term is used to refer to clues which contain media elements, as opposed to text only clues.

Mobile keyboard preview

This image is shown in the series designer for grid based games. It is used to how the on screen keyboard would appear on mobile devices, with the design customizations applied. See series designer for more details.

This field is present in the series designer for supported game types. It is used to set the background color of the headers and buttons of modals (popup boxes). See series designer for more details.


This field is present in the series designer for supported game types. It is used to set the color of text in the navbar (top puzzle menu, submenus, hamburger menu). See series designer for more details.


Pause message

This field is present in the Messaging section of the creator form. It is used to enter the message in the completion modal, shown to solvers when they pause a puzzle. See the textual messaging section for more details.


This is an alternate name for date picker.


Picdoku is an image based variation of sudoku, supported by PuzzleMe. See the picdoku section for more details.

Pre revealed box

This field is present in the Grid section of the series designer for sudoku puzzles. It is used to set the color of an pre revealed box/cell. See series designer for more details.

Preview and publish icon

This icon is present in front of each puzzle in the dashboard. Clicking on it opens up the publish page for the given puzzle.

Primary color

This field is present in the series designer. It is used to set the primary color (background color of active cells in grid, modal headers and buttons). See series designer for more details.

Publication date and time

This field is present in the Settings section in the creator form. It is used to set the date and time when a puzzle gets published and becomes available to solvers. The time zone for this publication time can be specified using the Timezone field. See publication schedule section for more details.

Publish page

This page shows all the options for embedding and sharing a puzzle or a picker. See the embedding your puzzle section and the embedding the picker section for more details.


A puzzle refers to a single game preset in your PuzzleMe account. Puzzles are referred to as games as well.

Puzzle analytics

This page shows the analytics page for a given puzzle in your PuzzleMe account.



Quiz is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe.


Repeatable letters

This field is present in the Content section of the creator form of a word flower puzzle. It is used to specify if letters can be repeated while solving the word flower puzzle. See word flower section for more details.


This field is present in the Scoring section of the creator form for some supported puzzle types. It is used to control the Reveal options available to puzzle solvers. See the contest mode and the scoring sections for more details.

Reveal grid

This option is available to solvers, wherever reveal option is enabled. It is used to reveal the solution to the complete puzzle.

Reveal letter

This option is available to solvers, wherever reveal option is enabled. It is used to reveal the solution to the currently highlighted box.

Reveal word

This option is available to solvers, wherever reveal option is enabled. It is used to reveal the solution to the currently highlighted word.

Rotate letter

This field is present in the Settings section in the creator form for word search puzzles, for creating Krazy Word Search puzzles. It is used to rotate arbitrarily chosen letters in the grid, to make it more difficult for solvers to solve the puzzle.


Scale letters

This field is present in the Settings section in the creator form for word search puzzles, for creating Krazy Word Search puzzles. It is used to increase the size of arbitrarily chosen letters in the grid, to make it more difficult for solvers to solve the puzzle.

Secondary color

This field is present in the series designer. It is used to set the secondary color (background color of non active highlighted cells, toggles). See series designer for more details.


A series is like a folder for your puzzles. See the series concept section for more details.

Series analytics

This page shows the series analytics page for a given series in your PuzzleMe account.

Series analytics button

This button is present at the top of your dashboard. Clicking on it opens up the series analytics page for a given series.

Series embed button

This button is present at the top of your dashboard. Clicking on it opens up the publish page page for a given series.

Series design button

This button is present at the top of your dashboard. Clicking on it opens up the series designer page for a specific puzzle type in the given series.

Series designer

This page is used to set the colors, fonts and other visual elements for a given series. See the themer page for more details.

Series embed

This is another name used for the publish page for a given series.

Social play

This is a collaborative, multi player co solving feature available in PuzzleMe, allowing up to 4 different users to solve a puzzle together. It's available in two variations - a basic code based version , and a more advanced link based version.

Social sharing

This feature allows solvers to share their puzzle scores on social media with a single click, once they solve the puzzle. Social sharing is enabled directly when using JS embed code or WordPress plugin.

Start modal

This is a popup box shown when the game starts. It contains the title, author, copyright information and the start message contents. It is not shown if the start message field for a puzzle is set to empty.

Start message

This field is present in the Messaging section of the creator form. It is used to enter the message in the start modal, shown to solvers when they start a puzzle. See the textual messaging section for more details.


This field is present in the Settings section in the creator form. It is used to set the subtitle of the puzzle.


Sudoku is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe. See the sudoku section for more details.



This field is present in the Settings section in the creator form. It is used to randomize the order of questions in a quiz.

Thumbnail image

This field is present in the Messaging section in the creator form. It is used to override the default puzzle icon image. See multimedia messaging section for more details.


This field is present in the Settings section in the creator form. It is used to set the timezone in which the publication date and time is denoted. See publication schedule section for more details.


This field is present in the Content section in the creator form. It is used to set the title of the puzzle. See game title section for more details.


Update game

This field is present at the bottom of the creator form for an existing puzzle. Clicking it will update the given puzzle with whatever changes have been made in the creator form.


Visual messaging

This is a set of fields present on the Messaging section of the creator form. It is used to set the thumbnail image and the backdrop image.


Word fills

This is an alternative name for Kriss Kross puzzles.

Word flower

Word flower is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe. See the word flower section for more details.

Word flower letters

This field is present in the Content section of the creator form for word flower puzzles. It is used to specify the letter present at the outer petals of the word flower puzzle. See word flower section for more details.

Word search is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe. See the word search section for more details.


Wordoku is an image based variation of sudoku, supported by PuzzleMe. See the wordoku section for more details.


WordroW is a puzzle type supported by PuzzleMe. See the wordrow section for more details.

Wrong answer audio

This field is present in the Messaging section of the creator form. It is used to set an audio, which can be played as soon as a solver enters a wrong word. See multimedia messaging section for more details.