Word Search Maker

Create a word search game with PuzzleMe
Word Search Maker Logo

Create and add crosswords on your site without having to code. Try it yourself with this sample PuzzleMe embed:

PuzzleMe™ Word Search enables creators to add rich and engaging multimedia to the game. Images, GIFs, videos and audio files stimulate the senses and provide additional context. Besides enhancing player experience, brands and publishers use multimedia to showcase products or to create themed, visually-appealing games.

Live examples: Morning Brew

Images being used as Multimedia instead of direct words in a Word Search puzzle game by PuzzleMe
Display of the range of global languages supported by PuzzleMe Word Search game

Languages for inclusivity and diversity are at the heart of PuzzleMe. The platform empowers creators to create Word Searches in 28+ global languages including a few Indian regional languages. This transcends the game itself and reaches the UI for a complete native experience to the players.

Live examples: Gulf News, El País (Spanish)

Increase complexity to a PuzzleMe Word Search game by adding clues instead of the words. Creators can combine the best of a crossword puzzle, i.e. solving a clue, with a Word Search. To these clues, by adding the word length of the answer leads the player to make reasonable guesses.

Word Search game displaying the use of clues instead of direct words when created on PuzzleMe.
Screenshots showing the various assist features such as "Hint" and "Reveal" available to solvers when working on a Word Search game by PuzzleMe.

The assist features in a Word Search game are designed to enhance players’ experience. The “hint” feature highlights a starting letter of a word from the grid to guide players. Another feature that solvers use is “reveal” to complete the grid and discover difficult to spot words in the grid. Usage of assist features leads to a penalty to the player’s game score.

Live example: The L.A. Times

A unique feature of PuzzleMe’s Word Search is to create a Krazy Word Search. Enabling “Scale letters” and “Rotate letters” transforms the letters in the grid to be of varying sizes and rotate in differing degrees, respectively. These options can be used in combination or independent of each other. It truly creates a complex but immersive play experience.

PuzzleMe's special Krazy Word Search game on display that enables scaling and rotating letters. The image shows both these individual grids in action.

The widget below is a live PuzzleMe iframe. The iframe’s height, width and other parameters can be customized in the embed code. In a real deployment, puzzles can be set up with a publication time in advance, and automatically appear in the picker after their publication time.